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Pension essentials
In the Fund
The Fund offers 4 main options, depending on eligibility. They are:
Your Normal Retirement Age (NRA) is when you can start taking your full Scheme benefits. Sign in to myFund and check your Section's NRA in your Member Guide or call the Helpline on 0800 012 1117.
Thinking about claiming your pension? See the Claiming my Fund pension section.
If you are unable to work through ill health, you may be able to claim your Fund pension and cash lump sum early – with no reductions for early payment, and a potential enhancement to your pensionable service of up to ten years.
You could be eligible if:
Read more in A Guide to Incapacity Benefits.
You may be able to claim your benefits before you reach your normal retirement age. However:
If you’re near - or over - your Normal Retirement Age (NRA), you may be able to postpone taking your benefits up to a maximum age of 75.
This means your benefits will be paid at an enhanced rate when you eventually take them. Late retirement factors will be used to calculate how much extra will be added to your benefits.
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