Your latest Focus newsletter is online

Dec 13, 2021
The latest Focus newsletter is now available online for members currently paying into the Fund.

In this issue:

  • Taking financial advice with Liverpool Victoria
  • The risks of transferring your pension
  • Looking after your financial wellbeing with MoneyFit
  • Changes to the Trustee Board
  • The latest pension news

Your printed copy of Focus

You should get your printed copy of Focus shortly. If not, please log into your myFund account and check your details are up to date.

In the meantime, you can read the latest edition along with previous issues by going to the dedicated Focus newsletter page.

Let us know what you think about Focus

We'd like to know what you think of the Focus newsletter, what you would like us to include in future issues and how we can improve. You can share your feedback on this issue by filling in this survey.