Register to view your pension details

When you register for a myFund account, you'll be able to view your personal pension information and manage it easily online. Simply fill out your details in the section below to register today. 

If you had registered for a myFund account on the previous website, you will now need to re-register.

You can watch the short video below to see what you need to do to register.


Your Pension Reference Number

You will need your Pension Reference Number to register. You can find it on any recent correspondence you’ve received from the Fund. Your reference number may be in the format of nine numbers followed by a ‘/’ and two further numbers. If this is the case, please make sure you type the whole number, including the ‘/’ and the two numbers that follow it.

If your registration doesn't work, please firstly check that you've entered your Pension Reference Number in the format mentioned above, including the '/' and digits following it.

Get started...

To register for your myFund account, please complete the form below. You will need your Pension Reference Number and National Insurance number.

For example: 123456789/00

You must provide your Pension Reference Number

For example: QQ123456A

You must provide your National Insurance number Your National Insurance number is invalid




You must provide your date of birth Your date of birth is invalid
Please wait...
Please check the information above and try again
You must be over the age of 18 to register
Your information is correct

The phone number is invalid

We strongly recommend that you add a mobile number to improve the security of your account.

Only UK mobile numbers can be accepted at the moment. We hope to include international numbers in the future. In the meantime if you do not have a UK number please leave this field empty. This will not stop you from registering or using your account.

Cyber criminals often target personal email accounts to gain access to other services. But, if you ever lose access to your personal email, you can receive a security code via your mobile to update your account details and ensure you – and only you – can continue to access it.

In the future we can let you know when there is something new for you to view online. You can choose your notification preference below. Selecting 'none' means you don't wish to receive notifications by either email or text.

You will need to verify your mobile number once your account is created to select SMS as your notification preference.

You can amend your preferences under ‘Contact Details’ at any point when you’re logged in.

None Icon
Email Icon
SMS Icon
You must provide your username (email) Your username (email) is invalid
You must confirm your username (email)
Your usernames (emails) do not match. Please check the email addresses you have entered and make sure they are correct and match.
Your usernames (emails) match
Please ensure your password does not contain your email or surname.
You must provide your password The password you have entered is invalid

That password has been listed as vulnerable. We suggest you pick something different.

Password must be at least {{minPasswordLength}} characters

Password must contain lower case and upper case letters

Contains a number

Contains a symbol

Contains no repeating characters

Contains no ascending/descending characters

You must select a security question
You must provide an answer to your security question
Please confirm that your details are correct
Please correct form validation errors

Our new member portal has been designed for the latest web browsers to provide you with the best experience possible. Users of older web browsers may experience issues and we recommend updating to the latest version. The supported browsers are Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. For users of Microsoft Internet Explorer we strongly recommend that you upgrade to a different browser.